One (wo)Man’s Trash is Another (wo)Man’s Treasure

Using the same local “buy, sell, trade and giveaway” facebook group (and this time creating no drama!) I posted an old vintage-looking vanity mirror and within a few hours someone was picking it up and trading me for cash.

The truth is that I don’t like thinking about these clearly functional items being thrown in a big dumpster in a few weeks… and we don’t have the time to bring each item to a donation center. We want to be living in this house asap!

vintage vanity mirror from our bathroom

Earlier Wednesday morning someone picked up part of a sea gull lawn ornament set (without sea gulls sadly, so if you see a sea gull I know just the person for it), and someone else bought the matching, and much larger, seagull ornament (see below). It’s actually a solid 12″ + under the ground! It took quite a bit of digging to get this out of the ground.

sea gulls lawn ornament

I’ve been pulling weeds here and there, tearing out the black edging in the around-the-house garden and throwing these massive railroad ties into a pile for passerbys to pick up. Some have gone overnight here and there, and we still have a few left on our concrete pad.

railroad ties

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